Perth to Darwin Tour – 19 Days

Perth – Geraldton – Kalbarri – Monkey Mia – Carnarvon – Coral Bay – Exmouth – Karijini – Port Hedland – Broome – Derby – Halls Creek – Kununurra – Bungle Bungle – Kununurra – Wyndham – Ord River – Kununurra – Katherine – Kakadu – Darwin

In the northwest, the coast lures with corals and camels, pearls and prehistoric dinosaur tracks. Discover former coral reefs that form stunning gorges today. As a reward, the breath-taking natural beauty of the Kimberley region awaits. Where beehive domes stretch into the sky and waterfalls fall into the depths, where rock pools invite you to swim, there you’ll discover billions of years of Australian history. See freshwater crocodiles up close, bearing thousands of years of history on their scaly humpback. A journey of superlatives with 4 UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Shark Bay, Ningaloo Coast, Purnululu National Park and Kakadu National Park!

Tour Overview

  • Tour Dates

    23.04.2024 (sold out)


    13.08.2024 (sold out)




  • Guaranteed departure:

    Min. 5 passengers / limited to 12 passengers

  • Private tours:

    Can be booked as private tour (May – September) – surcharge apply

  • Combine this tour with:

    • City Tour Perth & Fremantle
    • City Tour Perth & Fremantle & Swan River
    • 3 Days Southern Experience Tour


    Price per person incl. GST in double room: AU$10,850.00

    Price per person incl. GST in single room: AU$13,950.00

    optional tour: Horizontal Falls Tour incl. GST per person: AU$995.00


    Prices tba

Services Included

Transport & Accommodation

Transport in an air-conditioned 4WD bus with a maximum of 12 passengers per vehicle

Accommodation during the tour 18x in Hotels/Motels/Tented Safari cabins (wooden floor, real beds, ensuite)

Entry Fees

Entry fees National Parks, World Heritage Areas, Abrolhos Island Tour by plane, Didgeridoo Dreaming Tour Monkey Mia, Shark Bay Interpretive Centre, Glass-Bottom-Boat Cruise (incl. snorkelling gear), Willie Creek Pearl Farm, Day Tour Flight/4WD Bungle Bungle, Ord River Cruise, Katherine Gorge Cruise, Yellow Water Cruise

  • Optional: ½ Day Horizontal Falls


Meals (18x Breakfast / 3x Lunch)

Daily coffee/tea break (Morning Tea)

Free drinking water


Comprehensive information kit in vehicles

Personal bag with a comprehensive information package and useful bits and pieces for your Australian holiday


English speaking guiding

German speaking guiding

French speaking guiding and other languages on request only

24/7 English/German/French emergency assistance


Day 1 Perth – Geraldton


After pick up from your hotel we are leaving Perth headed north along the coast towards Cervantes, the entrance to Nambung National Park. The Pinnacles are among the most visited natural wonders of the state. Thousands of limestone pillars rise out of a stark landscape of yellow sand. There is ample time to explore the area and to take some colourful photos of these amazing formations. These impressions of lights and colours will stay with you for many years to come. We head north along the coast via Jurien Bay and Leeman towards Geraldton, the sunniest town in W.A. A visit to Mount Scott gives you the opportunity of an outlook over the town of Geraldton and Grey’s Bay. Here is also the memorial for the victims of the sunken warship HMAS Sydney II. Our sightseeing tour concludes by visiting the architecturally interesting St. Francis Xavier Cathedral in the town centre.

Accommodation: Hospitality Motel, Geraldton (Breakfast)

Day 2 Geraldton – Kalbarri


The beautiful aerial scenic flight includes overflying the fascinating islands in the Pelsaert Group, the Easter Group and the Wallabi Group. In 1629, this was the scene of the famous mutiny of the Batavia. Back on dry land, we enter the Kalbarri National Park via Port Gregory. You can experience some of the most picturesque grazing land as well as the rough coastline. In the early evening, we will arrive in the “laid back village” of Kalbarri.

Accommodation: Kalbarri Palm Resort, Kalbarri (Breakfast)

Day 3 Kalbarri – Monkey Mia (Shark Bay)


After breakfast, we will visit Kalbarri National Park for a second time where we enjoy the breathtaking view into the Murchison Gorge. Depending upon the season, our drive through the Kalbarri National Park to the World Heritage area of Shark Bay will be escorted by the famous wildflowers. In the afternoon we arrive in Monkey Mia, home of the well-known dolphins. Nearly every day of the year they come to the shore to give you a unique experience that will never be forgotten. After dinner, a local Aborigine will introduce us on a walk into the indigenous culture. Enjoy the Dreamtime stories and the sound of the didgeridoo under the clear and bright night sky of Australia’s Outback Coast.

Accommodation: Monkey Mia Dolphin Resort, Shark Bay (Breakfast)

Day 4 Monkey Mia (Shark Bay) – Carnarvon


In the morning you have the opportunity to come face to face with these famous dolphins. Before our first stop at Shell Beach, we pay homage to this World Natural Heritage area with a visit to the Shark Bay Interpretive Centre in Denham. We will stop again, this time at Hamelin Pool where the world best-known colony of stromatolites can be admired. Typical „Outback Australian impressions” will accompany you on the drive to Carnarvon.

Accommodation: Hospitality Motel, Carnarvon (Breakfast)

Day 5 Carnarvon – Coral Bay – Exmouth (Ningaloo Reef)


After enjoying breakfast our today’s destination will be beautiful Coral Bay. Here, we will encounter the 260 km long natural wonder of the Ningaloo Reef. Specialists say that the marine life of this reef is more abundant than that found at the Great Barrier Reef. As the reef is not far from shore it can be readily available to discover with the aid of snorkel and flippers on an outing in a glass-bottom- boat. The shallow water of the reef is the homeland to various sea creatures, such as corals, unusual sea stars, crustaceans and over 500 species of different fishes. In the afternoon we take up our journey to Exmouth.

Accommodation: Mantarays Ningaloo Beach Resort, Exmouth (Breakfast)

Day 6 Exmouth (Ningaloo Reef)


Breathtaking views from Vlaming Head Lighthouse across North West Cape, beautiful Ningaloo Reef and gigantic antennas of the Naval Communication Station Harold E. Holt. During our short stroll in Mandu Mandu Gorge we are looking out for some rare inhabitants, Black Footed Rock Wallabies. Turquoise Bay creates the perfect scenes for some relaxation, contemplation on the many impressions of the past days, and the temptation of the effervescent Indian Ocean for a refreshing swim. Late afternoon we return to our accommodation in Exmouth.

Accommodation: Mantarays Ningaloo Beach Resort, Exmouth (Breakfast)

Day 7 Exmouth – Karijini National Park


Today, we are driving in a north-easterly direction across the Pilbara region. The traditional owners called their land „bilypara“, which could be translated with “dry”. No wonder: This area, which is twice as large as Germany, half of it consisting of desert and red coloured crests. Today’s accommodation is to be found in the heart of Karijini National Park. What a fantastic atmosphere and a guaranteed good night sleep!

Accommodation: Karijini Eco Retreat, Karijini National Park (Breakfast)

Day 8 Karijini National Park


The rock formations of Western Australia’s second-biggest National Park belong to the oldest ones in the world, the landscape most impressive and colourful. The plateau which is rich in iron ore and therefore coloured intensively red-brown, offers spectacular lookouts and many gorges with permanent water pools. We walk down through the changing vegetation of the iron-rich gorge walls to the park’s only permanent waterfall. Just a short distance from Fortescue Falls, you can swim in the refreshing, spring-fed Fern Pool. Finally, we visit the spectacular vantage point of the Oxer Lookout with its fantastic view on four gorges joining each other.

Accommodation: Karijini Eco Retreat, Karijini National Park (Breakfast / Lunch)

Day 9 Karijini National Park – Port Hedland


Until the departure today we enjoy the unique atmosphere of the resort. Eventually, we depart Western Australia’s iron-ore region and head for Port Hedland, Australia’s busiest iron-ore shipping port. We might – if lucky – sight an endless iron-ore train wheeling into or out of the port.

Accommodation: Hospitality Motel, Port Hedland (Breakfast)

Day 10 Port Hedland – Broome


On our journey towards Broome, we travel along the edge of The Great Sandy Desert with its small and meagre vegetation. Most of Australia’s northern coastline is bordered by extensive mangrove forests. One important exemption is Eighty Mile Beach. Enjoy the beauty of this white sandy beach and turquoise water of the Indian Ocean, renowned for fishing and shell collecting. Stingrays, stonefish and sharks are in abundance and good reasons to stay ashore. We reach Broome – Australia’s pearling capital – in the early evening.

Accommodation: Cable Beach Club Resort, Broome (Breakfast)

Day 11 Broome City Tour


Having a population of about 15,000 people, Broome is the commercial and touristic centre of the Kimberley. Chinatown, the rather small downtown area with its Asian touch is the focus of all urban activities. Sun Picture, the world’s oldest picture garden is surrounded by lots of cafés, restaurants, galleries, souvenir shops, jewellery shops and pearl jewellery shops. Ultimately Broome was and still is a world-known pearling centre. Whereas in the past, the mother of pearl was the main reason and big business, it is a cultured pearl in modern days. Pearl diving has always been considered one of the most dangerous occupations, and one that has cost many lives. Evidence of this fact can be seen at the historic gravesites of the Chinese Cemetery and Japanese Cemetery. At Gantheaume Point, where red coloured sandstone rocks meet the deep blue ocean, a 130-million-year-old dinosaur’s footprint can be seen at a very low tide. The tour ends at about 11 o’clock back at the hotel, the rest of the day is leisure time.

Accommodation: Cable Beach Club Resort, Broome (Breakfast)

Optional: Horizontal Falls Tour following the Broome City Tour

*Optional ½ day: Australia is different in many ways. Here you’ll even find horizontal waterfalls! The Horizontal Falls, described as one of the greatest natural wonders of the world, are located deep within the pristine environment of Talbot Bay. And that is exactly what you are going to experience today! From Broome, you fly to the Horizontal Falls. Experience a spectacular seaplane landing on the calm waters of Talbot Bay. Board “Jet Stream”, the fastest boat in the Kimberley. Experience an exhilarating thrill ride through the Horizontal Waterfalls. Now it is time to sit back and relax as you cruise through the spectacular untouched surrounding bays and creeks. You take off from Talbot Bay flying low level across the Buccaneer Archipelago, Cape Leveque, Beagle Bay, Willie Creek Pearl Farm and Cable Beach. You will be transferred back to your hotel.

* Horizontal Falls are a natural phenomenon, which is influenced by daily changing tides. Tours therefore only take place when the predicted tidal movements are not equal to zero.

Day 12 Broome – Derby


In the pristine and warm water of the Indian Ocean around Broome you’ll find pearls which are among the most sought worldwide. Up until 1930 this small fishing town has met three quarters of the world’s pearling supplies and has become Australia’s pearling metropolis. By visiting the only pearl farm open to tourists in the Kimberley, you are given an insight into the pearling industry and its history. We then leave Broome heading north. At Derby we visit its main attraction with a dark past, the Prison Tree. Aboriginal convicts used to be locked up the hollow trunk of the old Boab Tree. Nowadays, the bulbous giant is protected and should no longer be entered out of respect for this place and history.

Accommodation: Spinifex Motel, Derby (Breakfast / Lunch)

Day 13 Derby – Halls Creek


The journey is the reward and as reward along the way there is the breathtaking beauty of the Kimberley region. We drive a section of the legendary Gibb River Road. It is one of the most famous roads in the north-west Australia. This legendary cattle track, the so-called “Beef Road”, was originally constructed to enable the farmers of the isolated north-western part of Western Australia to drive their cattle to the ports of Derby and Wyndham. The approach to Windjana Gorge National Park is very impressive. The vertical rock faces of the Napier Range look like an insuperable wall. Dating back approximately 350 million years ago a shallow tropical sea covered a large proportion of this area and formed a coral reef over 1,000 km in length. Fossils can still be found embedded in the walls of Windjana Gorge and Tunnel Creek. We have a very special surprise for you waiting in Tunnel Creek National Park: We will not walk across the creek but we will wade through it. The track follows the streambed of Tunnel Creek along a 750 m long cave system – the oldest in Western Australia – below Napier Range. In Halls Creek we take a short detour to the so-called China Wall. The vertical, up to 5 m high wall of bright quartz is the result of erosion and looks like being built by humans.

Accommodation: Kimberley Hotel, Halls Creek (Breakfast)

Day 14 Halls Creek – Wyndham – Kununurra


Along the Great Northern Highway, between the Durack Range and the Carr Boyd Range, we continue to Wyndham. The Grotto is the name of an idyllic swimming pool located at the beginning of a short but picturesque gorge. The pool, enclosed by steep rock walls, is fed by a 15-meter waterfall during the rainy season. Telegraph Hill is located in the Parry Lagoons Nature Reserve. Here we enjoy breathtaking panoramic views of the dramatic and rugged landscape of Wyndham and the surrounding area, as well as Marglu Billabong, which is a bird sanctuary for over 20,000 birds. Five Rivers Lookout in Wyndham, the northernmost town in Western Australia, offers spectacular views of the Ord, Forrest, King, Durack and Pentecost Rivers, the Gulf of Cambridge, and surrounding mangrove swamps and tidal flats. Molly Springs is a beautiful small spring fed pool with a waterfall. It is a great and shady place to sit in the water and watch the fish, goannas and birds. Short drive to Kununurra.

Accommodation: Kununurra Country Club Resort, Kununurra (Breakfast)

Day 15 Kununurra – Bungle Bungle – Kununurra


Today’s trip into the Bungle Bungle National Park is a highlight at its best. It gives you the great opportunity to experience a breath-taking view of unique rock formations from the air and on foot. From a small aeroplane, you enjoy gorgeous bird’s eye views on Lake Argyle, the Carr Boyd Range and enormous cattle farms. While approaching the airstrip amidst the Bungle Bungle National Park the wonderful world of these amazing limestone rocks opens up. By 4WD and on foot you reach Cathedral Gorge. Enjoy a picnic surrounded by fantastic rock sculptures reminding you of bee-hives and let this unique atmosphere sink in. On the flight back to Kununurra you get great views of the Argyle Diamante Mine and the rough embankments of the Osmand Range. This day will provide you with unforgettable memories that you will keep all your life.

Accommodation: Kununurra Country Club Resort, Kununurra (Breakfast / Lunch)

Day 16 Kununurra – Ord River


Today we will be collected from our accommodation just before noon and taken by coach through Durack country to Lake Argyle.  We will take a short break at the historic Durack Homestead Museum. This Museum was constructed as a replica of the original family Homestead and uses the original Homestead stone. We are viewing the enormous Lake Argyle from a scenic look-out. On our 55km boat ride back to Kununurra we experience spectacular landscapes as well as a rich flora and fauna. After admiring a colourful sunset at the end of the boat trip, we are brought back to the hotel.

Accommodation: Kununurra Country Club Resort, Kununurra (Breakfast)

Day 17 Kununurra – Katherine


Today we say goodbye to Kununurra and Western Australia. Soon after, we will pass the border to the Northern Territory. A leisurely drive along Victoria Highway to Katherine.

Accommodation: Knotts Crossing Resort, Katherine (Breakfast)

Day 18 Katherine – Cooinda (Kakadu National Park)


After breakfast, we start today’s touring day with a 2-hour cruise through the spectacular Katherine Gorge. A wonderful experience with beautiful views and the opportunity to admire Aboriginal rock art. Via Kakadu Highway, we finally get into Kakadu National Park. Nourlangie Rock, a site of impressive Aboriginal galleries, presents a mix of up to 20,000-year old rock art.

Accommodation: Gagudju Lodge Cooinda, Yellow Water (Breakfast)

Day 19 Cooinda (Kakadu National Park) – Darwin


An impressive boat cruise in Yellow Waters will give you the rare opportunity of viewing the many varieties of wildlife in their natural habitat. As this area is a beloved resting ground during the dry season, you will be both amazed and delighted to see such an abundance of bird types and observe crocodiles within such a close range. At Ubirr Rock – in the heart of the Kakadu National Park – you will find enough time today to wonder and gaze in caves and at rocks of Aboriginal rock art (the world’s oldest art gallery), and also to enjoy a wonderful panoramic view over Kakadu Park. A further stop in the Mamukala Wetlands will allow us to observe thousands of magpie-geese, a fantastic World Heritage Protected area of UNESCO. We reach Darwin in the evening where your unforgettable tour ends at your pre-booked accommodation.

Perth to Darwin 19 Day Tour EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST

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